Queue Points Mag
Queue Points
Show #13 - A DJ Saved My Life

Show #13 - A DJ Saved My Life

On this Queue Points, DJ Sir Daniel and Jay Ray were LIVE! That's right, this show was not pre-taped. The two are discussing DJing in our current moment and party rocking. DJ Sir Daniels answers questions about what it means for him to be a DJ.

Queue Points Question: "What are your expectations of a DJ at a function?" Answer at https://qpnt.net/fanmail 

Watch the show on Facebook: https://qpnt.net/show-13 

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Follow DJ Sir Daniel On Social Media

Facebook: https://facebook.com/djsirdaniel 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/djsirdaniel 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/djsirdaniel 

Follow Jay Ray On Social Media

Facebook: https://facebook.com/jayrayisthename 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/jayrayisthename 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jayrayisthename  

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Queue Points Mag
Queue Points
Queue Points is the Black Podcasting Award and Ambie Award nominated music podcast that is dropping the needle on Black Music history and celebrating Black music through meaningful dialogue. The show is hosted by DJ Sir Daniel and Jay Ray.